Faith In Jesus In Spite Of

Faith In Jesus In Spite Of

Job 19:25-29

Job still maintains faith even with the accusation God caused his suffering.

People of God, God never intended for you to settle for less or stay in your problem.

You were created to soar higher if this weren’t so then why did God liken you to the most majestic of birds, the eagle. People of God you are destined for new heights. I know many believers today who never reached their destiny. They fall restless and frustrated by their situation; they’ve given up trying to go higher. Many people assume God is absent in their struggle.

Have you ever been there? Doing this time of this virus COVID-19 we have been faced with a circumstance that is painful and uncomfortable and you wondered where is God in the midst of it all? If I told you that God is here to comfort you in all your trials, it would be reassuring wouldn’t it People of God? Well our Redeemer liveth, but I want you to go a little deeper. 

There is a greater truth about our Redeemer and your destiny in God that you need to know. Your Redeemer is more than just present in the virus situation; He is using this situation to propel you to a higher level of faith!

People of God this virus, this trial, this test isn’t an obstacle, it’s an opportunity! God in His great mercy has refused to let you and I settle in our nest. He knows that He created you and me and destined us to soar on the winds rather than sit back in fear and never realize our potential. 

Deut 32:11-12

11. He was like an eagle hovering over its nest, overshadowing its young, then spreading its wings, lifting them into the air, teaching them to fly. 

12. God alone led him; there was not a foreign god in sight. THE MESSAGE

I believe during this COVID-19 virus God is stirring the people of God's nest.

He is forcing you to go higher.

Don’t blame the devil for your discomfort. Don’t accuse others around you for this inconvenience, or be like Job and accuse God. Don’t get angry or irritated with the President. Thank God that He’s stirring your nest. Look around, where you are now is not where you were meant to stay; it’s just where you were meant to start during these times. You’ve outgrown your current position, God is just stirring the nest where you are, it’s time to go higher and maximize your living today.

Your faith potential is too big to be housed in small thinking, your wings have now outgrown the nest, don’t settle for less than who you were created to be; or allow someone to call you a chicken when you are an eagle, encourage yourself, challenge yourself to live at a whole new level of blessings.

This could be the most important time in your life of ministry to yourself.

So read this letter carefully and hear what the Holy Spirit will say to you. As you look back on things that you have been praying for that have not yet come to pass, you must make a choice to quit settling in your mind it’s just going to be like this.

It’s time to stay in your faith walk, People of God, this a time of accelerated favor.

The Spirit of God impressed upon me to write this letter. I was instructed to share this with God’s people. It’s time to remove every barrier that could be causing the delays to your prayers and expect accelerated grace (favor) to show up when you rise up.

Apostle James E. Morrow         

Seeing Through the Eyes of Faith

Hello People of God,

This is an eye-opening season, and it brings me joy to write about what God has placed on my heart to say to you at this time and season. I sensed the Spirit of God helping me with each thought to write and eliminate all distractions; so I can get the most out of what He’s about to tell you. There have been rounds of attacks from the devil that have left you and many others fractured and disoriented.

I want you to know your situations are not always as bad as they look. How you look at life is so important to how you feel and exercise your faith.

Your situations can cause you to determine whether or not you will be in fear or in faith.

People of God, so many times just changing your perspective can be the key to the turnaround of what seems to be a bad situation. You must begin to look up again and put your hope and faith in The Lord and not in man. The bible says you must walk by faith and not by sight. The Spirit of God showed me that there is a sight you must cultivate to live in victory. It’s time to look at the Word of God by faith.

Rom 4:17-21

17. That is what the Scriptures mean when God told him, "I have made you the father of many nations." This happened because Abraham believed in the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing.

18. Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, "That's how many descendants you will have!" 

19. And Abraham's faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah's womb.

20. Abraham never wavered in believing God's promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this, he brought glory to God. 

21. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. NLT

People of God what are you seeing in these tough times? How do you see yourself and others around you? How you look at things around you could change your faith action. Some situations around you may not be as bad as you think; it could be the way you are looking at it and the sight you are using. I know you may say, “What sight am I using?” I know this may sound strange, but The Lord is telling us to look at the situation with a different mindset; your spiritual eyesight must be cultivated to see through the eyes of Jesus.  

2 Kings 6:14-17

14. So one night the king of Aram sent a great army with many chariots and horses to surround the city.

15. When the servant of the man of God got up early the next morning and went outside, there were troops, horses, and chariots everywhere. "Oh, sir, what will we do now?" the young man cried to Elisha.

16. "Don't be afraid!" Elisha told him. "For there are more on our side than on theirs!" 

17. Then Elisha prayed, "O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!" The Lord opened the young man's eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire. NLT

We see here that the prophet Elisha prayed for his servant's sight, he was overwhelmed with what he saw.  In this story, the servant saw the enemy’s army totally surrounding their camp and thought they (He and Elisha) would surely die. Now Elisha looked at the same situation as the servant did and saw the situation different and declared that there were more with him and the servant than there was with the enemy’s army. Elisha prayed for the servant's sight to be opened spiritually, he asked God to open his eyes and when God touched the servant's eyes through prayer he saw the host of angelic help available to bring victory to them.

God has taught me this; in order to live your life to the fullest, you must make use of three different eye sights which are available to every person. Did you know that you have 3 sets of eyes? Let me explain.

You have three eye sights natural, visual, and spiritual.

These eye sights enable you to see things in the natural world we live in, the spiritual world of God, and in an open vision. When we understand things through the wisdom eyes and perspective of God, He gives us an anointed eye mask.

People of God we have made it through some tough times, but we did not solely depend on what we saw with our natural eyes! When we are in our darkest times in the natural by the Spirit of God we see the light! When others around me see despair, I see opportunity!   When others around you see lack you see an increase! People of God, you must learn to depend on the eyes of your understanding and the eyes of your spirit to navigate you through life’s pathway. Whatever is about to happen in your life let His spirit navigate you through this year.

Eph 1:17-18

17. asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. 

18. I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance. NLT

Apostle James E. Morrow, Sr.

God’s Intervention For The Saints

God’s Intervention for the Saints

2 Cor 10:3-5

People of God you have been empowered to take every thought into captivity that brings discouragement and defeat.

It’s time to be transported from the darkness of this world into the light of faith by thinking victory.

You must refuse to allow the enemy to build this stronghold against you. Rise up in truth and hope and allow the life of the Spirit to overflow in you. God has released His strength in you to overcome all the works of the evil one.

Isa 54:17

You must not get stuck in thinking that you have only one gift or that you have one specific purpose from which you will not deviate from. The result of this thinking is that you will put yourself in a religious box. When you have been filled with the Holy Spirit, you have Him (The Lord) completely in you with His gifts and fruits, and you need only to yield to Him and His moving. Versatility is always in order, you must make yourself available to be used by the Holy Spirit in a variety of ways and become adaptable to various situations and circumstances according to the moving of the Spirit of God.

Diversity is the key to victory.

Acts 2:38

Beloved, renew yourself in faith and confidence, for disappointment and discouragement will steal your victory by undermining your blessed assurance. People of God use your God intelligence and trust His Word, do not let your emotional reaction or circumstance create a double-minded position that will prevent you from succeeding in life. Now is the time to rise to a new level of faith that is not under the domination of your soul but is unlimited in the Holy Spirit. God’s promises are true and are for you if you will only believe His Word.

The Lord has made and will continue to make clear paths of destruction by revealing the works of darkness sent against the people of God. It’s time to set a watch for the snares of the devil and be obedient to The Word so we can overcome the enemy; then our lives will be marked by victory and freedom in Jesus. Freedom only comes through victory over the enemy, by the victory gained through the cross. Now people of God exercise the authority given to you by the Word of God.

1 Cor 15:57

People of God be healed, by His Word, and rise up and see The Lord is among you, to bring forth the present reality of perfection within yourself.

The Lord is among us to heal our bodies, our souls our spirits, and to renew our faith. The Lord is here to remove the thoughts that try to exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. The Lord is speaking to His people who have become apathetic in what He has given you to do. His people have lost their enthusiasm and interest. The people of God have lost their focus and it has shifted from thanksgiving to the Lord, for the work and provision, to just doing a job.

Beloved in this season it would be good for you to adjust your attitude so that you can see through the eyes of the Spirit of the Lord, to see what you do not see; an opportunity of excellence has been given to you to demonstrate the power of His Word in this season. 

Col 3:22-24

The Lord is speaking to His children, He will come to you. Do not get stuck in your old ways of thinking or ways of doing things, making changes outwardly and not inwardly this is a sign of a spiritual regeneration and its non-renewal. Children of God you don’t have to deliberately change anything; the changes will come to you. There are new possibilities that will challenge lethargy and apathy if you are willing to move ahead with a new sense of life and new spiritual energy in The Lord.

2 Cor 4:16

16. So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. THE MESSAGE

Apostle James E. Morrow Sr.

The Voice Of God

To the People of God - The Church:

Now that the New Year has come, it’s time to pay attention to the Spirit of God and position your ears to the Eastern wind and get ready to shift.

John 10:3-6

People of God, the Lord is watching over you, and He is ready to lead you into the fullness of the kingdom that has been prepared for you; and for those things which are written in His word, but you must know that you have heard His voice and not the voice of a stranger.

In this season, the Lord will speak in ways that you are not used to.

He will speak to you, while you are in position, so position yourself to hear in a manner that you are not accustomed to, His voice will bear witness with His spirit that is within you; this is a kingdom sound. Our Father is about to pour out His spirit with the sound of His voice upon you and He will show you signs in the earth and heavens above. There is a sound in the wind and He is ready to lead you by the still waters so you will fear no evil. You can still your soul and quiet those voices in your mind which have been hindering you, the distractions and the noise of this world voice, so you may indeed hear the voice of God “The Most High God.” People of God, prophesy to the people and tell them that our God the I Am is about to turn up the volume of His voice to them who have an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord will say in this hour. 

It’s time to put off the old sinful nature and get ready to put on the new nature.

Eph 4:20-27

There is so much noise in the world and the church today, there is clamoring-crusading and all manner of evil, and all of these things have a voice. Many ears have been defiled by those things that have taken place in the world, but praise God we have now come into an opportunity to hear the Holy Spirit of God’s voice once more as we have never heard it before.

People of God it is necessary that you begin to desire to hear the voice of God in your ear and your heart as you have never heard it before beyond everything else. Do not allow other voices to take up your time speaking into your life in this world of distractions. It’s time to shift and reposition your ears and your heart. Now is the time to position your ears away from the many voices of radio, t.v. and the voice of unsaved people; those who have become a distraction from the Word of God to prohibit you from getting in a place to hear the voice of God. It’s time to put on the new man.

Col 3:8-15

This is the way to worship!

- Apostle James Morrow

Your Obedience to God Will Bring Increase in Your Life

Your Obedience to God Will Bring Increase in Your Life

Dear People of God,

I greet you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I write this to you in hopes that you will take out the time to read it, and prayerfully understand its contents. The end of the season is fastly approaching and a new season is upon us. After prayer and hearing The Lord and the directions of the Holy Spirit of God, I had to write to you. I now know by the Spirit of God it is time to move ahead and reposition ourselves, back under The Word of God. 

Several months ago God began to reposition me for the People of God, but I had to wait for the witness of The Lord to do so. This new season, will be for ministries, and the people of God to reposition; and for those who have the faith take a bold step and dare to lead the people so they can take a new stand in life and ministry, and walk-in new territories.

Josh 3:3-5

We must get ready for a new approach to church and ministry work in the coming New Year and new season. The world around us is changing rapidly and it has almost left the church behind, saying “What happened?”

People of God I hear down in my spirit that now is the time to crossover!

The Lord is ready to help us crossover to a place we have never been before. Like Elijah, when he heard the sound of the abundance of rain and there was not a cloud in the sky. I also hear the voice of the Spirit of God saying: “Get ready to cross into a new season of reposition for abundance,”

1 Kings 18:41-46

The anointing is coming to reposition leaders and people to see things before others see them. The church is like a long-distance runner who is just catching its second wind. The race has been brutal, the terrain taxing, and thin, but now the church is being conditioned in faith and ready to pay off. People of God, sons, daughters, this is the time for you to pull away from the pack of this world and look toward the prize our best days are ahead! There are some things The Lord said the church must do in order to step into the upcoming new season a season of growth, impact giving, and an increase of studying the Word of God. 

This is a time of harvest of souls in the days to come. This is a time to refocus on prayer; it’s time to teach the people who are in leadership how to leave the crowd of people who say they are believers, but grim in doubt, murmuring and complaining about how bad things are. We must purposely step into this time of faith with our war cry to invoke God’s power to take our churches, our families, and finances to this next new level!

The bible says that Jehoshaphat sent out the praise team, and they praised and glorified God with a loud voice, and something supernatural took place! God fought the battle for Jehoshaphat in II Chronicles 20 and they ended up having more abundance in their hands than they had in a long time.

It’s time to teach the people so that they will proclaim every day and every Sunday with a war cry of praise, and watch the Holy Spirit crystalize each day and it shall become an electrifying place of faith and praise. Begin to say things out loud by faith before the people of God intentionally, and expect a move of God in this season, it’s real with God. I am expecting a move of God real soon in my life and in this new season. 

It’s time to take ownership of the Word of God, for our time is now.

In this upcoming New Year God is giving us faith for more financial manifestations.

He has positioned us in deliberate faith to attack the economic demon of our life in this season. God will confirm this word in our lives and churches, daily we will get a report that the people of God are receiving unscheduled increased blessings. This is a season for winning souls to the church and financial increase in your life and kingdom work.

It is wonderful to hear testimonies of what happens when we intentionally attack our economic lack through spiritually focused prayer and praise, but this should not amaze us that God wants to do something to bless us. He did it throughout scripture. When His people glorified Him in prayer, praise, and bold exploits, a move of God took place every time and brought deliverance to the people.

Say this out loud with me: “Lord I will intentionally give prayer and praise out loud to you.”

Thank you for linking up with me in the Word of God, in this new year of praising and glorifying God; it’s time to experience more of God in your life and more in your hands, a season of faith to turning things around from the Word of God. I am pleased to say that your connection with God will grow, and your relationship with Him will be strengthened, your obedience to God will bring great increase to you. 

Expect God for your increase in 2021, our help comes from The Lord!

Apostle James E. Morrow Sr.

Intensified Worship

Hello Brothers and Sisters!

The end of the year is fastly approaching, but the end is not yet. People of God did you know that there is something you can actually do to drastically affect your life now, to the beginning of the New Year?

It is called worship and adoration unto God.

Drastically – means to act with force- -a force of violence – extremely severe or extensive.

As I prayed, I received a strong witness from The Holy Spirit of God to share this insight with you, the word was intensified worship. It’s time to teach the people to intensify their worship unto God. Then the Holy Spirit said: “This worship will bring the expectation of seeing God intervene in this season, to improve the quality of lives for My people.” So now People of God this is the time to receive this in your spirit and step out in faith and intensify your worship.

Intensify – means to become more intense about a matter – to make more acute - strengthen or sharpen – increase the density – to deepen your thought – enhance your mind – to add fuel too.

People of God nothing should give you more fulfillment than to see God respond to your faith in Him. Nothing gives me more fulfilling joy than seeing God reach out to people faith. I have watched so many people hesitate and wait because they are fearful, thinking this will never work for me. My brothers and sisters the Word of God says: “Faith is not what you see but what you hope for.” What if it does work for you? What if your act of faith in this form of worship makes all the difference in your life’s situation?

Look at this with me in the bible:

John 4:19-20

19. "Sir," the woman said, "you must be a prophet. 

20. So tell me, why is it that you Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place of worship, while we Samaritans claim it is here at Mount Gerizim, where our ancestors worshiped?" NLT

Now Jesus is talking with the woman at Jacob’s well. In this, Jesus gives us a powerful revelation on worship. Jesus said that God is looking for a certain type of worshipper!

He is looking for those believers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth.

As I studied worship I discovered that there are four things you need to intensify your worship and this does not require you to wait for church service. It’s your time to get up and tell yourself: “I will become more intense about intensifying my worship; so I can experience greater results in my life.”

The bible teaches that some things come by fasting and praying. Your inward man has a desire for a deeper relationship with The Lord and for knowledge of His perfect will;

Worship is the secret to obtaining miraculous provisions in your life.

Every assignment from God has a birthplace, why not allow it to be in you today, God has placed a will-worship inside of you. It’s His will in this season for you to worship Him with purpose and He is the only one who can make it possible so begin to intensify your worship. 

The bible teaches that worship involves four things: (1) my mind (2) my mouth (3) my mannerism and (4) my money

These four areas hold the key to true worship that will get God’s attention and proven results. You must choose to focus on the character, faithfulness, and promises of God. When you do this your problems will not seem as big as it was before your worship moment. With your mouth, you simply speak out these things about the character and faithfulness of God that you focus your mind on. Next your mannerisms, the bible teaches that we should raise our hands and bow our head in expression of our reverence and dependence on God as the source, and sustainer of our lives. The final element is the worship offering, is your money which is so vital to the worship moment!

People of God in most every situation when we mention the money aspect of worship it is met with resistance. This is because most people don’t understand worship. In the bible David teaches that when we worship we should bring an offering.

Ps 96:8-9

8. Give to the Lord the glory he deserves! Bring your offering and come into his courts.

9. Worship the Lord in all his holy splendor. Let all the earth tremble before him. NLT

I believe, in this season that God is going to give answers to His people and their situations by encouraging others to intensify their worship. It may come by giving a special offering into the work of God’s church and into the hands of people. And I know if God’s Word says it, I know this will work for you. This is possible because worship intensifies worship which holds the key to your next step of faith God is faithful to us, now let us turn-up our worship and be faithful to our Lord.

2 Chron 1:6-7

6. There in front of the Tabernacle, Solomon went up to the bronze altar in the Lord's presence and sacrificed 1,000 burnt offerings on it.

7. That night God appeared to Solomon and said, "What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!" NLT

Apostle James E. Morrow Sr.

 It’s Time To Be Faithful Towards The Things Of God

 It’s Time to be Faithful towards the Things of God

The fastest way to promote kingdom principles is to develop the character traits of faithfulness. Faithfulness is the cultivated conviction to be consistently honest, steadfast, trustworthy; loyal, and committed to purpose, projects, principles, and people in a position that glorifies God. Your faithfulness is the guarantee of success and vindication. 

Now People of God arise and declare a spiritual season of praise and worship, a season in which you shall be set free from all bondage; a season in which you and your family shall be restored, and that which you have lost shall be returned to you. Now come to God with faith, hope, and expectation. I believe The Lord is saying: “Come to receive what The Lord has come to give.” If your Lord comes with gifts to give will you not receive them? Will you not believe Him? And will you not allow Him to place them in your hand? 

The Lord is saying: “My people must be prepared to progress in areas of their anointing and creativity. This is the season to watch for opportunities for a greater and complete expression of your gifting both spiritually and naturally, and The Lord will establish you in confidence and boldness to do all He has set before you because of your faithfulness towards His work. 

This is saying to His people, exercise your faith like never before: “Rise people of God, in the light of His glory where you can be restored and renewed.” It’s time to stop just getting by. Come on People of God and partake of this spiritual atmosphere where you can thrive spiritually and naturally. Come and walk in your faith. Many of you have been through dark valleys; you have fought oppression and depression. 

The circumstances of life have not been a fun time. The enemy has attacked our families and our churches; we have even had to deal with sickness. But I say to you rise up in victory with your faith. The Word of God has come to destroy the works of the devil that have been sent against you. People of God it’s time now for you to know if you are in faith or fear. Now it’s time to discern the condition of your spiritual environment. Has it been defiled by negative thinking or words spoken from your mouth because of your frustration? People of God rise up in your faithfulness now and exercise your senses to discern both good and evil, and choose to only retain that which is good. Now speak this out of your mouth, 

“Lord I ask for the wind of Your Spirit to blow upon and through my circumstances, to purify all things in my life that need to be made clear of sickness, and words of pollution that are hanging out in the atmosphere of my home.” 

People of God I say unto you now is the time to learn to develop the art of worship with thanksgiving, it will bring you into the truth of God; you will become one with Him, you will become the faithful true worshipper in spirit and truth, for the Father is looking for such a people in this season. 

He’s looking for people who will give Him a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise. 

Shout it from the rooftop that the Lord is good and His goodness is running throughout the land. For I believe The Lord is saying: “This is the time for My people to know Me, and they shall know Me in the power of the spirit in their thanksgiving, worship, and praises. It is written that God inhabits the praises of His people and He will become one with them in this season, and the people of God will have ongoing and continuing worship in these last days. Thank you, Lord. 

People of God trust The Lord for sufficiency; He is your Jehovah Jireh, your Provider. Do not be afraid when you see the world’s systems continue to fall short, for you are under the economy of The Lord, not the world. God will bring you through these tough times when you trust Him and stay faithful, and do so without fear and doubt; begin to thank Him and worship Him and He will provide. 

God has set your life on a journey, and He has a plan for your destiny, but if your focus gets narrow, the only thing you will see are the challenges along the way and the things that are going wrong which will keep you from making spiritual progress. You must remember He’s there all the time. 

Reference Scriptures: Matt 6:33 / Eph 6:8 / Matthew 28:20

Apostle James Morrow

 It’s Time To Be Faithful Towards The Things Of God 

 It’s Time To Be Faithful Towards The Things Of God 

The fastest way to promote kingdom principles is to develop the character traits of faithfulness. Faithfulness is the cultivated conviction to be consistently honest, steadfast, trustworthy; loyal, and committed to purpose, projects, principles, and people in a position that glorifies God. Your faithfulness is the guarantee of success and vindication. 

Now, People of God, arise and declare a spiritual season of praise and worship, a season in which you shall be set free from all bondage; a season in which you and your family shall be restored, and that which you have lost shall be returned to you.

Now come to God with faith, hope, and expectation.

I believe The Lord is saying: “Come to receive what The Lord has come to give.” If your Lord comes with gifts to give will you not receive them? Will you not believe Him? And will you not allow Him to place them in your hand? The Lord is saying: “My people must be prepared to progress in areas of their anointing and creativity. This is the season to watch for opportunities for a greater and complete expression of your gifting both spiritually and naturally, and The Lord will establish you in confidence and boldness to do all He has set before you because of your faithfulness towards His work.” This is saying to His people, exercise your faith like never before:

“Rise up people of God, in the light of His glory where you can be restored and renewed.”

It’s time to stop just getting by. Come on People of God and partake of this spiritual atmosphere where you can thrive spiritually and naturally. Come and walk in your faith. Many of you have been through dark valleys; you have fought oppression and depression. 

 The circumstances of life have not been a fun time. The enemy has attacked our families and our churches; we have even had to deal with sickness. But I say to you rise up in victory with your faith. The Word of God has come to destroy the works of the devil that have been sent against you. People of God its time is now for you to know if you are in faith or fear. Now it’s time to discern the condition of your spiritual environment. Has it been defiled by negative thinking words, spoken from your mouth because of your frustration? People of God rise up in your faithfulness now and exercise your senses to discern both good and evil, and choose to only retain that which is good. Now speak this out of your mouth,

“Lord I ask for the wind of Your Spirit to blow upon and through my circumstances, to purify all things in my life that need to be made clear of sickness, and words of pollution that are hanging out in the atmosphere of my home.” 

People of God I say unto you now is the time to learn to develop the art of worship with thanksgiving, it will bring you into the truth of God; you will become one with Him, you will become the faithful true worshipper in spirit and truth, for the Father is looking for such a people in this season. He’s looking for people who will give Him a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise.

Shout it from the housetop that the Lord is good and His goodness is running throughout the land.

For I believe The Lord is saying: “This is the time for My people to know Me, and they shall know Me in the power of the spirit in their thanksgiving, worship, and praises. It is written that God inhabits the praises of His people and He will become one with them in this season, and the people of God will have ongoing and continuing worship in these last days. Thank you, Lord. 

People of God trust The Lord for sufficiency; He is your Jehovah Jireh, your Provider. Do not be afraid when you see the world’s systems continue to fall short, for you are under the economy of The Lord, not the world. God will bring you through these tough times when you trust Him and stay faithful, and do so without fear and doubt; begin to thank Him and worship Him and He will provide. 

God has set your life on a journey, and He has a plan for your destiny,

but if your focus gets narrow, the only thing you will see are the challenges along the way and the things that are going wrong which will keep you from making spiritual progress. You must remember He’s there all the time. 

Reference Scriptures: Matt 6:33 / Eph 6:8 / Matthew 28:20 

Apostle James Morrow