To the People of God - The Church:
Now that the New Year has come, it’s time to pay attention to the Spirit of God and position your ears to the Eastern wind and get ready to shift.
John 10:3-6
People of God, the Lord is watching over you, and He is ready to lead you into the fullness of the kingdom that has been prepared for you; and for those things which are written in His word, but you must know that you have heard His voice and not the voice of a stranger.
In this season, the Lord will speak in ways that you are not used to.
He will speak to you, while you are in position, so position yourself to hear in a manner that you are not accustomed to, His voice will bear witness with His spirit that is within you; this is a kingdom sound. Our Father is about to pour out His spirit with the sound of His voice upon you and He will show you signs in the earth and heavens above. There is a sound in the wind and He is ready to lead you by the still waters so you will fear no evil. You can still your soul and quiet those voices in your mind which have been hindering you, the distractions and the noise of this world voice, so you may indeed hear the voice of God “The Most High God.” People of God, prophesy to the people and tell them that our God the I Am is about to turn up the volume of His voice to them who have an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord will say in this hour.
It’s time to put off the old sinful nature and get ready to put on the new nature.
Eph 4:20-27
There is so much noise in the world and the church today, there is clamoring-crusading and all manner of evil, and all of these things have a voice. Many ears have been defiled by those things that have taken place in the world, but praise God we have now come into an opportunity to hear the Holy Spirit of God’s voice once more as we have never heard it before.
People of God it is necessary that you begin to desire to hear the voice of God in your ear and your heart as you have never heard it before beyond everything else. Do not allow other voices to take up your time speaking into your life in this world of distractions. It’s time to shift and reposition your ears and your heart. Now is the time to position your ears away from the many voices of radio, t.v. and the voice of unsaved people; those who have become a distraction from the Word of God to prohibit you from getting in a place to hear the voice of God. It’s time to put on the new man.
Col 3:8-15
This is the way to worship!
- Apostle James Morrow