God’s Intervention for the Saints
2 Cor 10:3-5
People of God you have been empowered to take every thought into captivity that brings discouragement and defeat.
It’s time to be transported from the darkness of this world into the light of faith by thinking victory.
You must refuse to allow the enemy to build this stronghold against you. Rise up in truth and hope and allow the life of the Spirit to overflow in you. God has released His strength in you to overcome all the works of the evil one.
Isa 54:17
You must not get stuck in thinking that you have only one gift or that you have one specific purpose from which you will not deviate from. The result of this thinking is that you will put yourself in a religious box. When you have been filled with the Holy Spirit, you have Him (The Lord) completely in you with His gifts and fruits, and you need only to yield to Him and His moving. Versatility is always in order, you must make yourself available to be used by the Holy Spirit in a variety of ways and become adaptable to various situations and circumstances according to the moving of the Spirit of God.
Diversity is the key to victory.
Acts 2:38
Beloved, renew yourself in faith and confidence, for disappointment and discouragement will steal your victory by undermining your blessed assurance. People of God use your God intelligence and trust His Word, do not let your emotional reaction or circumstance create a double-minded position that will prevent you from succeeding in life. Now is the time to rise to a new level of faith that is not under the domination of your soul but is unlimited in the Holy Spirit. God’s promises are true and are for you if you will only believe His Word.
The Lord has made and will continue to make clear paths of destruction by revealing the works of darkness sent against the people of God. It’s time to set a watch for the snares of the devil and be obedient to The Word so we can overcome the enemy; then our lives will be marked by victory and freedom in Jesus. Freedom only comes through victory over the enemy, by the victory gained through the cross. Now people of God exercise the authority given to you by the Word of God.
1 Cor 15:57
People of God be healed, by His Word, and rise up and see The Lord is among you, to bring forth the present reality of perfection within yourself.
The Lord is among us to heal our bodies, our souls our spirits, and to renew our faith. The Lord is here to remove the thoughts that try to exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. The Lord is speaking to His people who have become apathetic in what He has given you to do. His people have lost their enthusiasm and interest. The people of God have lost their focus and it has shifted from thanksgiving to the Lord, for the work and provision, to just doing a job.
Beloved in this season it would be good for you to adjust your attitude so that you can see through the eyes of the Spirit of the Lord, to see what you do not see; an opportunity of excellence has been given to you to demonstrate the power of His Word in this season.
Col 3:22-24
The Lord is speaking to His children, He will come to you. Do not get stuck in your old ways of thinking or ways of doing things, making changes outwardly and not inwardly this is a sign of a spiritual regeneration and its non-renewal. Children of God you don’t have to deliberately change anything; the changes will come to you. There are new possibilities that will challenge lethargy and apathy if you are willing to move ahead with a new sense of life and new spiritual energy in The Lord.
2 Cor 4:16
16. So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. THE MESSAGE
Apostle James E. Morrow Sr.