Hello Brothers and Sisters!
The end of the year is fastly approaching, but the end is not yet. People of God did you know that there is something you can actually do to drastically affect your life now, to the beginning of the New Year?
It is called worship and adoration unto God.
Drastically – means to act with force- -a force of violence – extremely severe or extensive.
As I prayed, I received a strong witness from The Holy Spirit of God to share this insight with you, the word was intensified worship. It’s time to teach the people to intensify their worship unto God. Then the Holy Spirit said: “This worship will bring the expectation of seeing God intervene in this season, to improve the quality of lives for My people.” So now People of God this is the time to receive this in your spirit and step out in faith and intensify your worship.
Intensify – means to become more intense about a matter – to make more acute - strengthen or sharpen – increase the density – to deepen your thought – enhance your mind – to add fuel too.
People of God nothing should give you more fulfillment than to see God respond to your faith in Him. Nothing gives me more fulfilling joy than seeing God reach out to people faith. I have watched so many people hesitate and wait because they are fearful, thinking this will never work for me. My brothers and sisters the Word of God says: “Faith is not what you see but what you hope for.” What if it does work for you? What if your act of faith in this form of worship makes all the difference in your life’s situation?
Look at this with me in the bible:
John 4:19-20
19. "Sir," the woman said, "you must be a prophet.
20. So tell me, why is it that you Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place of worship, while we Samaritans claim it is here at Mount Gerizim, where our ancestors worshiped?" NLT
Now Jesus is talking with the woman at Jacob’s well. In this, Jesus gives us a powerful revelation on worship. Jesus said that God is looking for a certain type of worshipper!
He is looking for those believers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth.
As I studied worship I discovered that there are four things you need to intensify your worship and this does not require you to wait for church service. It’s your time to get up and tell yourself: “I will become more intense about intensifying my worship; so I can experience greater results in my life.”
The bible teaches that some things come by fasting and praying. Your inward man has a desire for a deeper relationship with The Lord and for knowledge of His perfect will;
Worship is the secret to obtaining miraculous provisions in your life.
Every assignment from God has a birthplace, why not allow it to be in you today, God has placed a will-worship inside of you. It’s His will in this season for you to worship Him with purpose and He is the only one who can make it possible so begin to intensify your worship.
The bible teaches that worship involves four things: (1) my mind (2) my mouth (3) my mannerism and (4) my money
These four areas hold the key to true worship that will get God’s attention and proven results. You must choose to focus on the character, faithfulness, and promises of God. When you do this your problems will not seem as big as it was before your worship moment. With your mouth, you simply speak out these things about the character and faithfulness of God that you focus your mind on. Next your mannerisms, the bible teaches that we should raise our hands and bow our head in expression of our reverence and dependence on God as the source, and sustainer of our lives. The final element is the worship offering, is your money which is so vital to the worship moment!
People of God in most every situation when we mention the money aspect of worship it is met with resistance. This is because most people don’t understand worship. In the bible David teaches that when we worship we should bring an offering.
Ps 96:8-9
8. Give to the Lord the glory he deserves! Bring your offering and come into his courts.
9. Worship the Lord in all his holy splendor. Let all the earth tremble before him. NLT
I believe, in this season that God is going to give answers to His people and their situations by encouraging others to intensify their worship. It may come by giving a special offering into the work of God’s church and into the hands of people. And I know if God’s Word says it, I know this will work for you. This is possible because worship intensifies worship which holds the key to your next step of faith God is faithful to us, now let us turn-up our worship and be faithful to our Lord.
2 Chron 1:6-7
6. There in front of the Tabernacle, Solomon went up to the bronze altar in the Lord's presence and sacrificed 1,000 burnt offerings on it.
7. That night God appeared to Solomon and said, "What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!" NLT
Apostle James E. Morrow Sr.