Can you hear the sound of the trumpet blast? This is the predominate sound in the realm of the Spirit to call those who have an ear to hear. This sound will resonate in your heart and draw you nearer to God, so you can receive instructions and direction for the next significant phase of your life. Quiet your soul, and refocus your eyes and listen with a sense of purpose and intention, ready to move forward with resolve and determination and allow God to lead you.
Ps 47:5
5. God has ascended with a mighty shout. The Lord has ascended with trumpets blaring. NLT
The Lord is saying to His people: “I have given Myself for you and put Myself in you, therefore be that which is spoken in My Word.” It’s time for you to praise and worship the Almighty God. You must fight the good fight against the enemy when he comes in like a flood, and God will raise up a standard and His Word will be the sword that will defeat the enemy.
God has given you power and nothing by any means shall hurt you. Walk with an openness before God and He will cause your thoughts to be His thoughts and your ways will be His ways.
We are in a time of advancement; and we cannot stay where we are spiritually. Rise up and take the sword that has been spoken and go forth in pure worship that comes from a pure heart; with confidence knowing you can trust Him for He will be with you. When you trust God, you will never have a need in the earth; poverty will be diminished and taken away from you. Can you hear the sound of the trumpet? Rise up and declare your liberty!
The Blood of Jesus is pressure in the earth, and has redeeming power; His blood has come to set you free from all that has held you in bondage. God has come to set you free this day that you may be established from the rock of your faith. That rock is called Christ Jesus, the Lord Glory.
Let the Presence of God bring a refreshing to your spirit, soul and body. This is a time for your spiritual roots to grow deeper and stronger. People of God it is imperative that you get rooted and grounded in God. This is a due season time for you to produce roots of truth and righteousness.
- Apostle James Morrow