A Prophetic Word for the House of God
My children reach for Me; reach out in the Spirit like never before, as though you’re standing on your tiptoes with undaunted determination to make contact with Me. You must have a desire and bold faith to connect and fellowship with Me. You are My beloved and I am your God. Take this time and make the effort to hear Me and seek My face and hear My voice.
If My people would seek Me with all of their heart and not their lips you will be found by Me.
Keep watching My children for the signs in your natural environment will confirm the fact that I am near and I am calling you into a new spiritual territory with change. Because of this, your first inclination will be to stay where you are because it is comfortable and secure for you. But I tell you that the security is no more, for the cloud has lifted and it is time for you to move ahead and overcome the place of temptation and stubbornly sit down where you are. Instead of going on with the flow of progression, you have stopped to hear the temptation speak, and all the time God is saying come to Me.
Many times the temptation is where your comfortable secure place is in your family, on your job, in the newspaper, with friends and T.V. They are always around you when I am calling you to Me.
My children don’t get stuck in your old ways of thinking or ways of doing things making changes for the outward man; and not for the inward man. This is a sign of a spiritual regeneration and no spiritual renewal. You don’t have to deliberately change anything; because your change will come to you, and you will know it. New possibilities will challenge lethargy and apathy if you are willing to move ahead with a new sense of your life with this new energy.
I am releasing a powerful move of My Spirit unto you, to bring peace, healing, and restoration to you individually and corporately.
My will as your Father and My desire is to make you all a well-watered garden, a habitation of My presence, a place of fruitfulness, a place of My power, a place where the waters flow freely and trees, (which are My people) will be a lifestream of drinking water which is My Word. May it be known that you are a new well of living water and it is about to spring up out of your belly in your life and out your mouth. This new life will bring life into others and you will see the presence of My authority in these days to come. May these springs of water bring you into a place of My blessings, where you can come and abide with Me. This is a place of refreshing for your renewal. For indeed My Words will restore and bring you forth in many victories over the power of the enemy.
Jer 39:18
18. For I will surely deliver you, and you shall not fall by the sword; but your life shall be as a prize to you because you have put your trust in Me," says the Lord.” NKJV
2 Cor 4:16
16. So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. THE MESSAGE
Apostle James E. Morrow, Sr.